So I was going through pictures of Kelly and Robert and here is what I found:

Kelly at 2 months old
Robert at 2 months old
These two are my everything. Kelly is such a big helper she loves taking care of Robert. When Robert cries she goes and puts the Binky in his mouth. She checks his diaper to see if it needs to be changed. She gives him kisses before going to bed. She is such a big helper. Robert is growing everyday. On Father's day he giggled for his daddy. Anthony enjoys being a Father. He is such a good husband as well, he lets me sleep in on the weekends while he takes care of Robert. He even gets up during the night to feed Robert. After Kelly was born, Anthony would get up in the middle of the night to take care of Kelly. After Robert was born I would get up to take care of Robert. Anthony told me he could get up to feed him and change his diaper. He also said to me that that is the only time he has to have one on one with his son. I am really proud of him and what he has done for this family.