Well this last weekend I did the Capital to Coast run here in texas which is a race from Austin to Corpus Christi. The race is 223 miles long which is split up into 36 different legs of differing lengths. The shortest of the legs is 4.5 miles and the longest is 7.33 two of the legs are the 7.33 all the rest are in the 5 to 6 mile range with most being in the 6 mile range. For those who wish to see the exact distance of each leg you can google capital to coast run and you will find the official page and it has a list of the legs and pictures of where each leg stops and where each one finishes along with how far each one is and a description of the route and what to expect. For example if it is just flat and straight or if it has turns and where the turns are as well as any hills to be aware of. I really enjoyed it and hope to be able to do it again next year. Next time I would like to get a team from my own squadron to run it but I dont know if we would have enough people that would want to do it to make a team. The minimum number of runners you need for a team is 8 and the max is 12 with 12 runners each person would end up running 3 legs of the race. When we did it one of the girls dropped out and the person after her who was to run took over what we didn't know is that if you do that or don't even run one of your legs you can't come back into the race later on, so she was out for the rest of the race and was there to cheer the others on but since she was out the rest of had to shift legs and some picked up a few more legs then they initially had. I initially was supposed to run every ninth leg so 9, 18, 27 and then the last leg number 36. If I had run those legs I would have ran just over 27 miles total so that would have been just over a marathon. With the change up I ended up running legs 9, 17, 25, 33, and 35. The last two were the hardest for me especially the last leg because I only got one legs break in between the last two so there wasn't much rest time. In leg 33 I was able to pass one person but then in leg 35 another team member from there team passed me up because I was quite tired. So in total I ran 5 legs which is more then most of the rest of the team I think only 3 of us ended up running a 5th leg. With the 5 legs totaled together I ended up running 30.07 miles. Not bad for one weekend I was sore for the next two days though I will admit. Sia and the kids came down to Corpus to see me finish which ment that that they missed the ward trunk or treat which Sia wasn't happy with me missing since I wasn't around for halloween last year because of ASBC. So we all missed it and I was glad that they came down and got to see me finish the race. They enjoyed the beach especially Kelly who played in the water before I got there. So it was a long weekend for us all for me because of the race for Sia because it was just her and the kids at home as well as the fact that she had a preparedness fair for the stake that she was helping out with and so that made here busy along with having to watch the kids. It was just one of those weekends where everything seems to pile up but we made it through. Now its back to school, work and family life. Which is a nice change of pace from this last weekend, Sort of.