Today we did the mesa turkey trot which for those who dont know is a 6.2 mile run which I did in just 45:02 seconds or so. Not my best time this was not a really good run for me today but then we cant always expect to be perfect everytime and I am hoping that my poor performance today will make it so that this next friday Dec fourth I can do well on my QFR (qualifying fitness run) for the Air Force that I need to do to be able to commission. Sia did the two mile run that was just before the turkey trot run which she completed in about 30:00 which for her first time is very good especially pushing one of the baby strollers that you can run with since she had kelly with her. Over all the turkey trot was very successful went off very well. This week I also had to go to Luke AFB for my commissioning physical but that is a story for another time.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Turkey Trot
Today we did the mesa turkey trot which for those who dont know is a 6.2 mile run which I did in just 45:02 seconds or so. Not my best time this was not a really good run for me today but then we cant always expect to be perfect everytime and I am hoping that my poor performance today will make it so that this next friday Dec fourth I can do well on my QFR (qualifying fitness run) for the Air Force that I need to do to be able to commission. Sia did the two mile run that was just before the turkey trot run which she completed in about 30:00 which for her first time is very good especially pushing one of the baby strollers that you can run with since she had kelly with her. Over all the turkey trot was very successful went off very well. This week I also had to go to Luke AFB for my commissioning physical but that is a story for another time.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I am going to write a little update of things that have gone on though sia has covered some things like how AWESOME Phantom of the Opera was. I had never gotten to see it and we sat up pretty close. So close that when the chandeler ignited for the first time we could feel the heat that it emited that was a cool experiance. Today was the make up PFA ( physical fitness assesement) for those of the detachment who hadnt taken it the first time for whatever reason and those who wanted to retatake it to get a better score. Allowing people to retake it is something new this semester since the class is now two credits and is for an actual grade instead of just pass or fail. Myself as well as most of the senior class had to go be proctors for the PFA so I didnt really have a real PT session this morning. Last night or should I say this morning I didnt get much sleep we went to the midnight showing of NEW MOON and got home around three and I had to be up at five to be able to make it to PT. HOOOAAA no sleep. Its all good though I dont feel tired anyway. For some reason when we got home this morning from the movies the gate to our housing complex wasnt working so we had to park the car outside the gate which we were kind of nervous about. When I got out there two hours later the car was just fine and in one piece so I was happy. Last but certainly not least is the fact that the semester is almost over and I am getting ready to graduate and commission. Yay for being done, it will be so nice to be done with everything and then only have to worry about getting to Vandanberg and all of that fun stuff which is kind of a pain becasue I cant do anything really untill I get my orders and who knows when that will be but I will keep everyone posted.
Monday, November 16, 2009
4 month check-up

Kelly had her 4 month check-up today and some shots. She wasn't really happy as most 4 month old babies are. She weighs 14.50 lbs. which she is in the 70th percentile and 26 inches long which puts her in the 90th percentile. So she is tall for her age. The doctor also said that we can start giving her solid food.Whew! I don't have to worry anymore. Anthony was pretty excited to start giving her solid food. We went to walmart today to go get some food for her and Anthony went CRAZZZZYYY getting her food. He was literally jumping up for joy in Walmart. I love him! We're both very happy for Kelly's progression. She is always such a good, lay back, and little girl.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Date Night

Saturday at 5:00 pm Anthony and I took Kelly to our friend's and neighbors house that lived like two doors down. 5:30 we were heading to ASU Gammage to watch "The Phantom of the Opera" in Tempe near ASU. We noticed that there were so many cars heading our direction as well. We figured that they were going to see Phantom of the Opera with us. We soon realized that there were so many people walking across the street in yellow shirts. Then I realized that there was a ASU Football game that was going to start soon. We parked our car at ASU Gammage and walked to chili's which wasn't far at all. I was wearing these high heels that kinda made it hard for me to walk to but I made it there and back in it. Phantom of the Opera started at 7:30 pm. It was AMAZING from start to finish. Andrew Varela who played the auctioneer/ monsieur Lafevre took us on a tour backstage. We didn't get a picture because we forgot our camera and he just looked tired but here is a picture of him.

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