Monday, November 21, 2011
Marathon and changing times
Ok Sorry I just noticed that the last Post was the capital to coast relay. Well just as an Update two sundays ago on the 13th of November I ran my first Marathon. I ran the San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon which is a traveling marathon and is held in different cities around the courntry. I ran it in 4 hours and 17 seconds which is about a minute slower then my sister Brittney did her marathon in Salt Lake. It was an awsome experiance which my mom came to see. She flew down on Friday and spent the weekend with us and left on Sunday evening after I had run the marathon. For those of you who dont know a marathon is 26.2 miles. Most people complain about having to drive that sort of distance and I ran it which was cool. Sia and I are now going to train for a half marathon that Sia wants to do in Austin. I think it will be fun a little easier for me since I will be running at Sia's pace but it will be fun for us to run together and to help her be able to complete this goal of hers which she has had for awhile. She was going to run a half marathon with some friends back in October but her friends backed out and so she ended up not doing it since she doesn't want to do her first one alone. So come February we are going to run the Austin half marathon. We are really looking forward to it. I hope it goes well espcially since it will be Sia's first long distance and I mean long distance run. I know she will have fun. Another update I have is that we went to the mall on Saturday just to walk around afterwards we let Kelly ride some of the rides that there usually are when you leave a store or mall or anything of the sort. Each ride was 75 cents so we spent $1.50 for her to ride the two rides. Reminded me of when I was a kid and my parents primarily my mom would give us 1 cent each and we could either ride the horse or get the microscopic peice of gum. My how times have changed there isnt anything you can by for one cent anymore and welcome to inflation of 20 years. Oh boy.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Well this last weekend I did the Capital to Coast run here in texas which is a race from Austin to Corpus Christi. The race is 223 miles long which is split up into 36 different legs of differing lengths. The shortest of the legs is 4.5 miles and the longest is 7.33 two of the legs are the 7.33 all the rest are in the 5 to 6 mile range with most being in the 6 mile range. For those who wish to see the exact distance of each leg you can google capital to coast run and you will find the official page and it has a list of the legs and pictures of where each leg stops and where each one finishes along with how far each one is and a description of the route and what to expect. For example if it is just flat and straight or if it has turns and where the turns are as well as any hills to be aware of. I really enjoyed it and hope to be able to do it again next year. Next time I would like to get a team from my own squadron to run it but I dont know if we would have enough people that would want to do it to make a team. The minimum number of runners you need for a team is 8 and the max is 12 with 12 runners each person would end up running 3 legs of the race. When we did it one of the girls dropped out and the person after her who was to run took over what we didn't know is that if you do that or don't even run one of your legs you can't come back into the race later on, so she was out for the rest of the race and was there to cheer the others on but since she was out the rest of had to shift legs and some picked up a few more legs then they initially had. I initially was supposed to run every ninth leg so 9, 18, 27 and then the last leg number 36. If I had run those legs I would have ran just over 27 miles total so that would have been just over a marathon. With the change up I ended up running legs 9, 17, 25, 33, and 35. The last two were the hardest for me especially the last leg because I only got one legs break in between the last two so there wasn't much rest time. In leg 33 I was able to pass one person but then in leg 35 another team member from there team passed me up because I was quite tired. So in total I ran 5 legs which is more then most of the rest of the team I think only 3 of us ended up running a 5th leg. With the 5 legs totaled together I ended up running 30.07 miles. Not bad for one weekend I was sore for the next two days though I will admit. Sia and the kids came down to Corpus to see me finish which ment that that they missed the ward trunk or treat which Sia wasn't happy with me missing since I wasn't around for halloween last year because of ASBC. So we all missed it and I was glad that they came down and got to see me finish the race. They enjoyed the beach especially Kelly who played in the water before I got there. So it was a long weekend for us all for me because of the race for Sia because it was just her and the kids at home as well as the fact that she had a preparedness fair for the stake that she was helping out with and so that made here busy along with having to watch the kids. It was just one of those weekends where everything seems to pile up but we made it through. Now its back to school, work and family life. Which is a nice change of pace from this last weekend, Sort of.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Mini Me
Kelly is 2 years old now and she is growing up so fast. She is very observant. She will copy pretty much anything anthony or I do. She loves to help out around the house. She is such a great helper and I can't wait until she can do thing more independently. This past week I have been watching her as she has been watching me when I do laundry, put her in time out wash dishes and cook dinner. As I observe what she is doing I quickly snapped pictures of her becoming self reliant. I am so grateful for a daughter who loves to help and I am so grateful that she is continuing to learn and grow.
doing laundry |
putting her baby in timeout |
washing her own dishes |
Cooking dinner |
Friday, September 30, 2011
Well we just got back from a wonderfully eventful afternoon. Robert had a doctors appointment at 2 though sia thought it was at one so I left work at lunch to take them to get lunch then go to the appointment to have Sia think it was at two and then I called to find out for sure when it was. So I was only at work for the morning though thats not what im writting to tell you all about. Roberts appointment went well he is growing and is right on track with where he should be and everything. This was his six month appointment though which means it was accompanied by shots. Of course he was not thrilled with the idea got them anyway and survieved the experiance. Kelly also got her flu shot for the year which she cried about for five min and then was over it. The doctor then informed us that robert could also be given the flu shot so he got yet another shot so after having gotten him calmed down here comes some more pain. The last time sia got a shot was back in high school so she was well over due for some shots. She got the flu shot as well as two others fun stuff so three out of four of us got shots fortunatly I was up to date and had gotten my flu shot two weeks ago or so, so I didnt need anything I was happy to not have to get a shot. Sia and the kids are not sleeping although I think I hear kelly in her room playing but as long as she is quiet and not being obnoxious Im good to go. Have a fun day and get your shots if you haven't.
Monday, September 19, 2011
New Additions to the family
That night Anthony got a call saying we might have your dog. Anthony described him and on the other line all I heard was We got him. Anthony got the address and then quickly ran out the door and down the street to where he has been staying and anthony brought him back home. I was so happy to have him home. Then Sirius came to the picture the day after we found Jester.
Call me Crazy for having two dogs but I am having fun loving these dogs. These dogs keep eachother busy. Jester tends to instigate and so Sirius puts him in his place.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Back to School!!!
So This girl(Me) is going back to school today. This past weekend I got my last two wisdom teeth out. I was so miserable I couldn't take care of my kids let alone myself.
Thank Goodness for friends, I don't know what I would do without my friends. I scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out on friday so that anthony would take care of me and the kids. IT didn't happened the way I wanted but oh well that's the military. Anthony had to go in to work that saturday. He called our good friends Nicole and Aaron Nebeker and their son Braxton to come and babysit me and the kids. I don't remember much of what I said to them but I was pretty loopy.
With school starting this week, I was so excited I wanted to go shopping and get new clothes. I felt like a little kid trying on clothes. We all went to target as a family. I came out with nothing though. Instead of buying clothes for me I bought clothes for my kids. Maybe I need a shopping day just for me. lol.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Well aboutan hour and a half ago after listening to Robert cry and yell for a while I reached my hand into his mouth and rubed along his bottom gum line and there is the fainted feeling of teeth. So it looks like we are going to be going back to the teething stage again. This should be fun as the pain gets worse and we will see how he handles it. That will eventually mean solid food but were still a good ways from that.
This family is in Training. Anthony is training for a Full Marathon He will be doing the Rock 'n' Roll marathon on Nov. 13, 2011.

I am training for a Half Marathon on October 29, 2011. It's called Chosen for Adoption Half Marathon. I have never ran more than a mile before training for this half marathon. Thanks to my good friend Sara Henderson for asking me to do it with her I've been motivated to do something out of my comfort zone.
Thankfully Anthony is experience with running he is training me at the same time he is training for his marathon. As far as my training, the farthest I have run so far is 6.15 miles. I was sore the next day.

As for Kelly she is potty training so far she is doing well in the daytime.
We don't know how we are going to do at night time when she is asleep.
As for Robert....well he is always in training training to become a big boy. he can flip from his tummy to his back. He can pick up his head really good. And of course he is eating constantly. He can sleep through the night mostly every night which is nice because he gets up before Anthony goes to work and by the time I get up he has already been changed and fed.
On top of all this training, I am going back to School. Oh Boy!! What did I get myself into? lol.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Change of Command
This is me at the change of command last friday on the 15th. Our squadron Commander LTC Filman just PCS'd (permanent change of station). In this picture I am saluting LTC Gonzalez our new SQ/CC. I played the role of Commander of Airmen (COA). It was an easy yet important role and I was glad to play that part. The major from our Squadron who was deployed has returned and is the SQ/DO Squadron Director of Operations. At the end of the month the Captain from the squadron capt. Russel returns at the beginning of next month, she is an interesting character.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My Helpers
So I was going through pictures of Kelly and Robert and here is what I found:

Kelly at 2 months old
Robert at 2 months old
These two are my everything. Kelly is such a big helper she loves taking care of Robert. When Robert cries she goes and puts the Binky in his mouth. She checks his diaper to see if it needs to be changed. She gives him kisses before going to bed. She is such a big helper. Robert is growing everyday. On Father's day he giggled for his daddy. Anthony enjoys being a Father. He is such a good husband as well, he lets me sleep in on the weekends while he takes care of Robert. He even gets up during the night to feed Robert. After Kelly was born, Anthony would get up in the middle of the night to take care of Kelly. After Robert was born I would get up to take care of Robert. Anthony told me he could get up to feed him and change his diaper. He also said to me that that is the only time he has to have one on one with his son. I am really proud of him and what he has done for this family.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Marathon training/class
On a completely different topic thursday I finished my LOG 299 Combat Logistics course that I had been going to for a little over a week. It is put on through AFIT the Air Force Institue of Technology its an extra training thing that goes on your record, its not vital to a career but its one of those things that can help set you apart from your peers. Yesterday on friday I went back to my normal job but dont have a desk for right now so I was put at one of the TSgt tech sergents desk for the rest of the day. Being at that desk I was able to log into the AFIT web site and do the online LOG 99 Fundamentals of Logitics course. Now all I have to do is the LOG 199 and I will be completely up todate that is another classroom instruction course though and wont be here at lackland for the rest of the year. So maybe it will come next year and I can do it then. Anyway class was good and the run this moring was to. That should bring everyone up to date.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
He's Finally here!!!!!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Two days left
Well I am almost done with my traning which I have been in for the past nine weeks. Graduation is this up coming tuesday. Thursday and friday were spent in our capstone project where we are given various scenerios and we have to come up with and answer to how we would solve the problem based on what we have learned durring the course using the various AFI ( Air Force Instructions). Its been very interesting and fun we have one more day of capstone tommorrow but we will also be running through the graduation ceremony which is on tuesday. I am really looking forward to being done and going back to the squadron. Also this last saturday we had our third basketball game for the stake and our ward lost the game which makes our record 2-1 which isnt bad and we have two more games before the tournament and then the tournament so we will see how well we do. This last game was hard in part because the team we played had at least three players who were over 6'5" so they were heavy stacked. We will see how it turns out in the end over the next few weeks. Sia is getting closer and closer to her due date she is really looking forward to giving birth and not be pregnant any more. So we are both getting closer and closer to being done with our various "projects".
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Two Weeks left
Hello all this is Anthony im not sure how long its been since sia wrote but I know i havent written anything in a while. Well yesterday was the second and last PT test that I have to take for this training. Any time we're in training for AETC ( Air Education Training Command) we have to take two PT tests. On my first one I got a 100% and on this last one I got a one hundred percent as well. I am very happy about that since I also got a lower run time then on my last run not my fastest ever but faster then the first time. I am also on the last block of instruction and will graduate in two weeks exactly on the fifteenth. I am definatly looking forward to being out of training and back to the regular squadron where I am still sloted to be the Material Management Flight Commander. One more test and a capstone project and im done with training and then I can really get some on the job training.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Family update!!!

Two weekends ago we went as a family back to Arizona for my twin sister's homecoming from her mission in Ogden, Utah. Funny thing is that she hasn't seen me not pregnant. A year and a half ago I was 8 months pregnant with Kelly. It's funny that she came back and I still look the same. Kelly got confused who her real mama was.

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